ROBLOX Junior Hackathon – Koding Kingdom

Theme : Solving COVID-19

Event Date : Nov 21 2020

Time : 10am – 6pm

Venue : Online via Discord

Price : HK 550 per participant

For Students Aged 10-16

Learn. Collaborate. Build.

Participants will be rewarded with a Certificate of Accomplishment!
Event Details

The ROBLOX Junior Hackathon encourages young students in the region to become passionate creators and collaborators by leveraging upon their popular and preferred social gaming platform – Roblox!

The hackathon will last for the entire day (10am – 6pm) on the 21st of November 2020.

The hackathon features workshops, guest speakers, mentoring and the actual GameJam competition. 


Given the latest wave of the COVID-19 and recommendations from both the government and EDB, we have decided to host the hackathon online and will run the event as follows:

Times are in HKT(GMT+8:00)

[Opening Event] 10 am

[Special Guest Speaker] 10:30 am

[Meet & Greet Lobby + Group Discussion] 11 am


[Workshop (1) – Modelling *optional] 12pm – 1pm

[Workshop (2) – Scripting *optional] 3pm – 4pm

[Results and Sharing of Projects] 5pm – 6pm

Competition Flow 


Find your team (if you don’t already have one) 

Assign Roles




Attend Workshops

Build some more

Pitch Game

Win Prizes

Students are able to form teams beforehand and have everyone register for the event.  

For more details on individual and team eligibility please read the following:

Individual and Team Eligibility

The Hackathon is open to individuals and teams who satisfy the criteria set forth in these rules.

Individuals: Individuals who are 10 years of age or older at the time of entry are eligible to register for and enter the Hackathon. Entrants under the age of 18 may be asked to provide evidence of parent or legal guardian consent satisfactory to the Hackathon. Only registered Individuals may be allowed to participate in the Hackathon.

Teams: Groups of up to 4 individuals who satisfy the criteria set forth above are eligible to enter the Hackathon as a team (each, a “Team”). A Teams are solely responsible for their own collaboration and cooperation with respect to their participation in the Hackathon.

Each entry may submit no more than one project.


1) This ROBLOX Junior Hackathon with RobloxStudio Contest is organized and powered by Koding Kingdom.

2) Students are to use the tool Roblox Studio ( to design a project according to the given theme. This could be in the form of a Roblox scene, game, environment etc.

3) Projects will be judged by a panel of judges from Koding Kingdom and by considering the following criteria (“Judging Criteria”): (1) originality (uniqueness of concept); (2) creativity (implementation and innovation); (3) design style (the impact of the art and how well it fits the theme); and (4) presentation skills. Application of the Judging Criteria will be at the judges’ sole discretion. The judges’ decisions are final and binding in all matters relating to this Hackathon Challenge.

For Terms and Conditions Click Here