Camp Course – Koding Kingdom
Experience in drag-drop coding
Python programming

Junior Python Programming

Course Description

After becoming experts in visual programming tools such as Scratch and App Inventor, students will have a sufficient amount of coding experience to advance to a new level! With the computer science concepts learnt and applied within drag-and-drop system, they can start writing some real code! Python is a very powerful, professional programming language used to create sites like YouTube and Dropbox. It is extremely user-friendly because of its simplicity and readability. In this course, we will relate Python code to the familiar coding blocks found in Scratch, App Inventor 2, and Stencyl. This gives students a smooth transition and good understanding of the relationship between visual programming and syntax-based programming. Throughout the course, students will further explore programming concepts through exercises such as building games, interactive apps, and creating animations.

What your child will learn:

  • Introduction to basic programming
  • Utilize variables and lists
  • Using loops for repetition
  • Conditional logic
  • Reuse codes by functions
  • Build graphic user interface and implement human to computer interaction
  • Idea of object oriented programming

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